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We provide physical stability to the patients through medical detox, as our initial medical goal is to remove the bad things from a person’s body and brain while minimizing potential withdrawal side effects.

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Relapse Prevention Program

Relapse Prevention Program

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Relapse Prevention Program

Our specialized curriculum allows you to understand what led you back to the use of drugs in order to make the required adjustments to achieve long-term rehabilitation. Focus Life’s Relapse Program is a one-of-a-kind program devoted to all that are on the road to relapse, or have undergone a chemical relapse, engaging in multiple therapies. Focus Life reflects on the achievements as well as the road that contributed to the relapse. The curriculum is primarily tailored for relapse, rather than repeating a primary recovery program, uncovering the emotions, perceptions, values, and habits that hinder long-term well-being.

Relapse Prevention (Logo)
hand stopping wooden blocks to fall
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